Friday, February 7, 2020

Home remedies for coughing up phlegm

This also helps combat infections like sore throat and cough, which may be an underlying cause of the excessive phlegm produced by your body. Garlicis perfect for breaking down the buildup of phlegm, as it functions as a natural expectorant. Furthermore, it is a powerhouse of vitamin C that helps treat a cold and flu effectively. This spicy root has natural anti-inflammatory properties10. Drinking a few cups of ginger tea is a pleasant way to open up inflamed airways and help your body flush out excess mucus.

However, you must remember to clean the humidifier once in a while to prevent indoor pollution . Add about a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of turmeric to a glass of warm water. Add a teaspoon of salt to a glass of medium hot water. Add a few drops of peppermint oil to a bowl of steaming hot water. If your symptoms of thick mucus last for more than 10 days, contact a healthcare provider for advice, diagnosis, and treatment. In most cases, phlegm and mucus are signs of a mild condition that home care should resolve.


Is caused by infections such as bronchitis, flu, rhinitis, sinusitis, or inflammations in the airways that cause difficulty in breathing, such as asthma or allergies. Phlegm is generated from the mucous membrane, which is the one that protects the interior cavities of our body from any external particle. However, when it accumulates in the respiratory tract, it is a sign that something is wrong, and it is necessary to start getting rid of it to avoid complications. Stay hydrated if you are suffering from cough with phlegm.

home remedy for cough with sticky phlegm

Once you become active in the morning, it breaks up and starts to move again. It may not be pleasant, but the good news is by doing this, you’re helping the phlegm protect your lungs from further infection. A certain amount of mucus is needed by our bodies, but too much can be uncomfortable.

Keep allergies in check

Severe allergies can require professional attention, and sinus infections may call for antibiotic treatment. Some foods can cause reactions that mimic seasonal allergies. They may cause the nose to run and the throat to itch, leading to excess mucus. Make a record of foods that trigger an increase in phlegm or mucus. Seasonal allergies can lead to a runny or stuffy nose, as well as excess mucus and phlegm. Water is an effective decongestant and helps the body remove infection and phlegm more quickly.

home remedy for cough with sticky phlegm

Exercise to improve blood flow, immunity, and physical stamina, all of which play crucial roles in fighting infections that trigger phlegm production. Use a humidifier to impart moisture to your arid living environment. Breathing in humid air helps hydrate your clogged throat and nasal passages. This, in turn, reduces and dilutes phlegm secretion.

Kadha Recipe: Homemade Ayurvedic Immunity Booster Drink

Food supplements must not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. As your body thrusts excess mucus up and out of your respiratory system, you’ll probably want to hack it up, spit it into a tissue and throw it in a bin. Instead, try the following coughing technique to help with getting rid of phlegm. The curcumin in turmeric can help fight off infection that may be triggering mucus production. So, for some people, eating eggs, wheat, dairy, tree nuts and gluten will be linked to a rise in mucus8.

home remedy for cough with sticky phlegm

There are specific medications that can thin your mucus if you have a chronic lung condition, like cystic fibrosis. Chest rubs, like Vicks VapoRub, contain eucalyptus oil to ease coughs and potentially get rid of mucus. You can rub it onto your chest and neck up to three times each day. Younger children should not use Vicks at its full strength, but the company does make a baby-strength version.

Take a hot bath or shower

It’s important to talk with a healthcare professional before you begin using essential oils and be sure to research the quality of a brand’s products. Always do a patch test before trying a new essential oil. This site provides content for informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended for use as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. In case of a medical concern or emergency, please consult your healthcare provider.

Although dairy products do not cause lots of phlegm in your throat, they might worsen the congestion by making your phlegm thicker and more irritating to your throat. In 1997, respiratory diseases were set to become the third most common cause of fatality and 5th most common cause of disability by 2020 around the world . Add the juice of half a lemon to a glass of warm water.

Expectorants thin mucus and allow more effective coughing to clear airways. Guaifenesin is a common expectorant that is particularly effective at relieving congestion in the chest. There are many different medications available that can treat excess mucus buildup. One of the most popular of these is known as an expectorant. Time spent in a steam-filled bathroom will help to loosen and clear mucus in the nose and throat. Allowing hot water to pulse on the face can also bring relief from sinus pressure.

home remedy for cough with sticky phlegm

All this is owing to the anti – viral and anti – bacterial properties of honey. For dry cough chew ¼ tea spoon of ajwain mixed with 1 tae spoon of organic sugar. Avoid intake of dairy products, meat, and fried foods, all of which are known to increase mucus production.

Cough with white phlegm: causes and treatment

Most cases of thick mucus are due to respiratory viral infections that are self-limiting . Treating your symptoms with over-the-counter medications such as pain relievers, decongestants, and expectorants may help you feel better. OTC cough and cold medicines should not be used for children under age 4. Enjoy the mixture at least thrice daily to clear the phlegm in the throat. But, phlegm clogs and irritates the bronchial tubes, causing a secondary upper respiratory infection if it isn’t treated timely. Dealing with this problem can be incredibly frustrating.

home remedy for cough with sticky phlegm

You can fry 6–12 g of turmeric powder in ghee and consume it to relieve asthma symptoms. Give your clogged throat a deep rinse with warm saline solution. The gentle heat and gargling action will help breakdown the phlegm inside your throat while the salt works as a disinfectant.

Blow Your Nose Often

There are a number of reasons why you may produce excessive phlegm. If you’re struggling with phlegm, instead choose warm, non-caffeinated drinks. Mucus in the lungs can be part of having certain health conditions and something that you'll need to learn how to manage. And vibration to loosen the mucus in the lungs and make you cough. This article will go over some causes of mucus in the lungs as well as ways that your provider might want you to clear mucus from your lungs as part of your treatment. Coughing is a natural reflex that helps to clear your airways of irritants like mucus, smoke, dust and allergens.

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